Today, we officially announce the transition to glory of our beloved Chief Operations Officer- Ibrahim Dangana. He transited to be with the Lord peacefully on Sunday 3rd December 2017 surrounded by his family after courageously battling ill health.
Meyana has indeed lost a visionary, creative leader and a rare gem. For all of us who have been fortunate and privileged to know and work with him, we have lost a dear friend, great mind and inspiring mentor.
Ibrahim leaves behind a company at her nascent stage but his legacy lives on. As a company, we will always remember his contributions to humanity, especially in the area of energy. His dream was that of a prosperous Africa where every household has access to clean and affordable energy. At Meyana, we would ensure that his dream lives on.
In sum, no words can truly describe how saddened we are. But we comfort ourselves in the words of Apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 4:7-8; Indeed you have fought a good fight. You kept the faith and trust God that you received your crown. To God be the glory!